Trends Page (Equipment) - Page Overview
The Trends Page in SpindleLIVE provides trending on the following KPIs: Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Performance (PR), and Availability (AV). In addition, the following metrics are broken down in the Availability section of this page: Scheduled Maintenance, Utilization, Unscheduled Maintenance, Production Downtime, and No Demand. Each will be overviewed further in this guide.
The Date Picker, in the upper right portion of the portlet, allows Users the option to customize a specific date range, other than the defaulted last 13 weeks.
The Gear Box Icon, in the upper right portion of the portlet allows Users the option to trend the data by Day, Week or Month.
Users can also filter the data to view Both Labor and Maintenance or Maintenance Only equipment. Both Labor and Maintenance Equipment is production equipment such as Ironers, Towel Folders, Mat Rollers, etc., in which production is accomplished, and the equipment also requires maintenance. Maintenance Only equipment is equipment such as Boilers, Air Compressors, etc., in which maintenance is required, but production does not take place on this equipment.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
This section provides trending for the below listed KPIs, for the past 13 weeks. The Date Picker, in the upper right portion of the portlet, allows Uses the option to customize a specific date range, other than the defaulted last 13 weeks.
- OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) – identifies the percentage of manufacturing time that is truly productive by measuring Availability, Performance, and Quality. However, in Spindle, we focus on the Availability and Performance only, and it is calculated using Availability X Performance.
- AV (Availability) – the amount of Productive Time compared against the amount of scheduled time. Calculated as Productive Time / Scheduled Time.
- PR (Performance) - the overall weighted employee efficiency.
This section breaks down the below-listed metrics by color-code, and provides total hours (HH:MM), for the past 13 weeks.
- Scheduled Maintenance (PURPLE) – time logged performing on Scheduled Maintenance (PMs and Work Orders)
- Utilization (GREEN) – total production time logged, compared against total scheduled production time
- Unscheduled Maintenance (BLUE) – time logged in Unscheduled Maintenance tasks
- Production Downtime (YELLOW) – time equipment was Down for Maintenance during production time
- No Demand (RED) – time when there was no production on equipment, during scheduled production time
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