General Maintenance Tasks User Training
Follow(Last Edited 11/16/2020)
General Maintenance Tasks (GMT) are repetitive tasks maintenance teams perform daily that are not considered an Unscheduled Maintenance issue, Preventive Maintenance, or General Work Order. These tasks might include such tasks as General Maintenance, Observing, Cleaning, and Waxing, Blowdowns, Cleaning Filters, the list can go on. GMT can be thought of as a non-standard task like is set up on the production labor side of Spindle; it does not affect equipment downtime. With GMT and the use of Maintenance Scheduling from Spindle, the ability for a plant to manage maintenance workers’ priorities are able to be highlighted.
How to log into a GMT
When a Maintenance Worker logs into a machine, Spindle will automatically place them in General Maintenance Tasks. If you use the drop-down arrow under Maintenance Task, a list of available GMTs will appear. This list of tasks is customizable and can be edited by the Maintenance Manager.
CLICK HERE to learn more about General Maintenance Tasks (GMT) Configuration
GMT and Scheduled Maintenance Relationship
With GMT enabled, when a Maintenance Worker completes a PM or Work Order, they are put into a default General Maintenance Task on the equipment until they log into another piece of equipment or select a different GMT task on the equipment. . If no default GMT item has been programmed for the equipment type the default will be labeled as General Maintenance. The image below provides an example of Observing either being selected or set at default GMT by the Maintenance Worker.
Reviewing GMT in SpindleLIVE
You can review all the General Maintenance Tasks created on the SpindleLIVE - Equipment - Analysis Page.
- Hover over the side-bar option Equipment and select Analysis.
- Select View By = Maintenance Worker Hours. Use the General Maintenance Tasks dropdown to show only hours for specific GMT items.
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