Login Station User Instructions - Production
FollowYour employees must interact with the Spindle Login throughout their day. They log onto a piece of Equipment, Lane, and select the appropriate classification. As products change throughout the day, we must change our classification. In addition, employees will need to choose break, lunch, meeting and end their shifts when the appropriate time comes. The article will take you through the complete functionality of your Spindle Login Stations.
The table of contents below breaks down the sections within this article. Each item will be a link you can click on that will take you immediately to that section.
Quick Navigation
Spindle Login Station Walkthrough
How to Log into a Spindle Workstation
Selecting or Change a Classification
Assign All Lanes with the Same Classification
Break, Lunch, Meeting & End Shift
Supervisory & Management Functions
Assigning an Individual Employee to a Status
Assigning Multiple Employees by Equipment to a Status
Assigning Multiple Employees by Area to a Status
Assigning Multiple Employees by Department to a Status
Spindle Login Station Walkthrough
The Spindle Login Station is what everyone within your facility will need to interact with daily. From starting their day to selecting classifications to breaks, lunches, meetings, and finally ending your day. The information from the Spindle Login Stations is sent to your Spindle Server located within your plant and finally sent to SpindleLIVE. Not all users will see the same settings as it is dependent on the user access rights set in Spindle Admin. The following section, How to Log into a Spindle Workstation, will include links to managing users in Spindle Admin. Spindle is made up of the following:
- Login will be used when needing to access any of the below options.
- Plant View will display all the Areas within your Plant.
- Area View will display the Equipment within an Area.
- Equipment View will display the Lanes and Classifications if applicable.
- Worker Equipment will display the Equipment, Lanes, & Classifications for Production.
- Maintenance Equipment will display any Equipment that may require Preventative Maintenance, Pending Maintenance, Emergency Maintenance, or Work Orders, including the other options listed.
- Pending/Down any equipment placed into a Pending or Down status will be displayed here. Using this option, you can access the equipment in a Pending or Down status.
- Manage allows you to manage your plant and place, individuals into a status such as a Break, Lunch, Meeting, & End Shift (some plants may have Other Area as an option.)
- Break is used when an individual goes on break. Failure to enter the Break status during a break can negatively impact your employee's efficiency and your Facility Health Score.
- Lunch is used when an individual goes on lunch. Failure to enter the Lunch status during a break can negatively impact your employee's efficiency and your Facility Health Score.
- Meeting is used when an individual goes into a Meeting. Failure to enter the Meeting status during a meeting can negatively impact your employee's efficiency and your Facility Health Score.
- End Shift is used when an individual ends their shift and goes home. Failure to end their shift will negatively impact your employee's efficiency and your Facility Health Score.
- Exit will log you out of the Spindle Login Station, which does not end a shift. Almost all Spindle Work Stations are set to auto logout after 1 minute of no activity.
How to Log into a Spindle Workstation
Customers use RFID cards or a unique ID assigned to each accessing the Spindle Login Station. Spindle Users are managed through Spindle ADMIN. If you would like more information on managing Users in Spindle ADMIN, you can review it later if you need it.
- How to Add Users in Spindle Admin
- How to Edit Users in Spindle Admin
- How to Remove User Accounts in Spindle Admin
- Re-Activating Users in Spindle Admin
- You can scan your RFID card or utilize your unique ID to log into a Spindle Login Station.
OR - If Spindle hasn't defaulted you to the Equipment you are stationed at, you will need to navigate to the Area and Equipment. Spindle attempts to default the screens around your plant to the Area in which you are located. If you log into Spindle from a Login Station at the Bagger, we default you to that Bagger, and it will be your default unless you're logged into another piece of equipment. The remainder of this article will discuss everything you need to know!
Assignment to:
Before beginning work on a equipment, we must log in and place ourselves into an equipment lane. You'll need to select the appropriate classification as products change. Every location is unique; however, there are similarities in ironers, baggers, hand folding, load building, garment processing, etc., that often have multiple classifications.
At beginning work on Equipment, you'll need to log into Spindle and assign yourself to an open lane on the Equipment.
NOTE: Failure to log into a lane will generate NA counts. As a result, it will impact your Facility Health Score, and the production worker will not get any productivity percentage. NA Counts applies to all Spindle users regardless of position, management included. |
- After logging into the Spindle Login Station, you can access the Area of the plant you'll be working on if you are not already in that Area.
- Choose & tap an available lane on the Equipment. Your name will appear in the lane once successful.
As stated above, you'll need to change your classification to match the handled product. Typically you select the classification at the start of your day and throughout your day as the product changes.
Selecting or Change a Classification
First, we need to access the Area we need to change the classification. Spindle will log you in and display the Area you logged into if you are already assigned to a lane and Equipment. This section applies to instances where you must access an area you are not logged into. You can access the Area the Equipment exists from the main login screen for the classification change.
- From the area view, click the picture of the Equipment.
- Here you can access the configured Classificationso n this piece of Equipment. Each lane of the Equipment can handle different products/classifications simultaneously. Click the down arrow in the Current Classification selector box. Our example below will move from Pillow Cases to Napkins - Cotton.
- Once the classification is changed, Spindle will update the lane you're assigned. You will notice that all other lanes remained in the previous classification. If you need to assign all lanes with the same classification, read the section labeled Assign All Lanes with the Same Classification.
NOTE: It can take up to 1 - 2 minutes for your Spindle Production Display to update with changes. It would be best if you didn't wait for the Spindle Production Displays to update, as classification standards begin at the Login Screen, not the Spindle Production Display.
- From the area view, click the picture of the Equipment.
Assign All Lanes with the Same Classification
Your Spindle login station can switch all classifications for all lanes with a button, which works the same for Lane Status when placing Equipment into Pending or Emergency Maintenance. Once you make the change on one lane, you can click 'Assign All Lanes With Same Classification'.
Break, Lunch, Meeting & End Shift
When employees go on break, lunch, into a meeting, or end their day, they must select the appropriate option on the right. Spindle is configured with the amount of time your employees get on break, lunch, & meeting. Any time above the allotted time will impact your Facility Health Score, and employees who forget will impact their efficiency %, including your Facility Health Score. If you'd like to know or change these time allotments, don't hesitate to get in touch with Spindle Support from the red question mark on www.SpindleLIVE.com or email support@SpindleLIVE.com.
NOTE: There is an option that may or may not be turned on for your location. If you are interested in the Confirmation Box when selecting End Shift, please don't hesitate to contact Spindle Support from the red question mark on www.SpindleLIVE.com or email support@SpindleLIVE.com. |
Manual Count Entry
In cases without logical means to automatically capture an employee's production data, they will need to enter it into the Spindle Login Station manually.
- As discussed in How to Log into a Spindle Workstation, the employee responsible for the count will need to log into Spindle to input the count. Log into the Spindle Login Station using your unique ID or RFID card. If you do not see the below options, then you will need to be provided access via Spindle Admin. You can view the links in the How to Log into a Spindle Workstation.
- You should already be positioned in the Area which requires manual counts, as you should have logged into that Area and selected your classification before beginning the work. If you haven't, you must take care of that before inputting any counts.
- On certain classifications, it may be required to input the counts handled. You will be provided with a Manual Count entry on these classifications, and you may have Stacked Count & Non-Stacked Count Classifications. For stack counts, you will input how many bundles you processed. Spindle is already aware of how many of each product is found in a bundle, for example, with Baby Blankets, where each stack has 10 blankets but would be inputted as 1, whereas non-stacked would be inputted as 1 for each item processed.
Supervisory & Management Functions
Although most of Production Management does not log into Spindle, it may sometimes be necessary to perform Supervisory functions, such as ending shifts for employees who left for the day while still logged into Spindle. Those with appropriate Spindle Admin access can change an employee's status.
NOTE: While Supervisors do have the ability to assign an employee to a Break, Lunch, Meeting, Other Area, or End Shift status, they cannot move an employee from one Area to another. This function will need to be done in Spindle Admin – Assign Users to Lanes. |
Assigning an Individual Employee to a Status
- As we talked about in How to Log into a Spindle Workstation. Log into the Spindle Login Station using your unique ID or RFID card. If you don't have the options seen below, then you will need to be provided access via Spindle Admin. The links shown under How to Log into a Spindle Workstation will assist in making these modifications.
- You'll need to be able to access the Area the employee is currently positioned. You may need to use the Plant View or the Area View option in the bottom right to move forward. Our demonstration below will include using the Plant View & the Area View options for you.
- Our demonstration below will include using the Plant View & the Area View options in the bottom right corner; once you see the employee that needs their status changed, tap on their name. Select the appropriate status.
NOTE: You will have instances where you will not be able to Manage employees from the Spindle Login Station. You can't use Manage for cases where you want to move someone from 1 lane or equipment to another. You also can't use Manage for cases where you want to move someone from Break, Lunch, or Meeting into a lane or equipment. You can access Assign Users to lanes in Spindle Admin for these instances. Please keep in mind that Break, Lunch, & Meeting will appear in Manage; however, this allows you to manage the status of everyone currently assigned to a Status. You are unable to select individual employees in these Statuses.
- As we talked about in How to Log into a Spindle Workstation. Log into the Spindle Login Station using your unique ID or RFID card. If you don't have the options seen below, then you will need to be provided access via Spindle Admin. The links shown under How to Log into a Spindle Workstation will assist in making these modifications.
Assigning Multiple Employees by Equipment to a Status
- As we talked about in How to Log into a Spindle Workstation. Log into the Spindle Login Station using your unique ID or RFID card. If you don't have the options seen below, then you will need to be provided access via Spindle Admin. The links shown under How to Log into a Spindle Workstation will assist in making these modifications.
- You'll need to access the Equipment the employee is currently positioned on. You may need to use the Plant View or the Area View option in the bottom right.
- In our demonstration, we will work with Ironer 4 - 5 to place 2 individuals on Ironer 4 into a Meeting. First, you will want to select the Area the Equipment resides, and in our example, we will choose Ironer 4 - 5, then tap on the image of the equipment.
- Here at the Manage window, we can manage the users on this specific equipment. Select all, a few, or 1 employee and select the appropriate status. If everyone on this equipment is going into a Status, you can use the Select All or Select None options.
NOTE: You will have instances where you will not be able to Manage employees from the Spindle Login Station. You can't use Manage for cases where you want to move someone from 1 lane or equipment to another. You also can't use Manage for cases where you want to move someone from Break, Lunch, or Meeting into a lane or equipment. You can access Assign Users to lanes in Spindle Admin for these instances. Please keep in mind that Break, Lunch, & Meeting will appear in Manage; however, this allows you to manage the status of everyone currently assigned to a Status. You are unable to select individual employees in these Statuses.
- As we talked about in How to Log into a Spindle Workstation. Log into the Spindle Login Station using your unique ID or RFID card. If you don't have the options seen below, then you will need to be provided access via Spindle Admin. The links shown under How to Log into a Spindle Workstation will assist in making these modifications.
Assigning Multiple Employees by Area to a Status
- As we talked about in How to Log into a Spindle Workstation. Log into the Spindle Login Station using your unique ID or RFID card. If you don't have the options seen below, then you will need to be provided access via Spindle Admin. The links shown under How to Log into a Spindle Workstation will assist in making these modifications.
- You'll need to be able to access the Area the employee is currently positioned. You may need to use the Plant View or the Area View option in the bottom right. We will access the Area for Ironer 4 - 5 and place everyone into Lunch.
NOTE: You will have instances where you will not be able to Manage employees from the Spindle Login Station. You can't use Manage for cases where you want to move someone from 1 lane or equipment to another. You also can't use Manage for cases where you want to move someone from Break, Lunch, or Meeting into a lane or equipment. You can access Assign Users to lanes in Spindle Admin for these instances. Please keep in mind that Break, Lunch, & Meeting will appear in Manage; however, this allows you to manage the status of everyone currently assigned to a Status. You are unable to select individual employees in these Statuses.
- As we talked about in How to Log into a Spindle Workstation. Log into the Spindle Login Station using your unique ID or RFID card. If you don't have the options seen below, then you will need to be provided access via Spindle Admin. The links shown under How to Log into a Spindle Workstation will assist in making these modifications.
Assigning Multiple Employees by Department to a Status
- As we talked about in How to Log into a Spindle Workstation. Log into the Spindle Login Station using your unique ID or RFID card. If you don't have the options seen below, then you will need to be provided access via Spindle Admin. The links shown under How to Log into a Spindle Workstation will help make these modifications in Spindle Admin if needed.
- You'll need to access the Plant View to see all Areas (aka Departments). You may need to use the Plant View or the Area View option in the bottom right to assist in navigation.
- Once at the Plant View, click Manage, then make your selections before selecting a status. We will put our entire Plant into a mandatory Safety Meeting.
TIP: Utilize Manage when having mandatory meetings to save time at the Spindle Login Stations by performing these exact steps. Users can log back into their equipment and lane when the meeting has ended. You can perform these same steps if everyone goes to lunch or break after the meeting. However, you can't make individual selections by employee name for Breaks, Lunch, or Meetings.
- As we talked about in How to Log into a Spindle Workstation. Log into the Spindle Login Station using your unique ID or RFID card. If you don't have the options seen below, then you will need to be provided access via Spindle Admin. The links shown under How to Log into a Spindle Workstation will help make these modifications in Spindle Admin if needed.
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