Spindle Daily/Weekly Production Manager SOP
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Some tasks in this article can be handled via the SpindleLIVE Mobile App. You no longer need to be near a computer to access SpindleLIVE or to enter your Coaching Moments. You can click the QR Code or scan it with the camera app on your phone for more information and to download the app if on a mobile device.
Hourly Best Practices
During your Plant Tour, you will want to observe Login Stations, Spindle Production Displays, & SpindleLIVE Team Status Page for proper logging and opportunities. Stop and spend extra time observing when RED stoplights are present. Don't forget to enter your Coaching Moments in SpindeLIVE to document any conversations you have with your team.
Continuous Best Practices
Every 2 hours, we need to perform Opportunity Checks by checking your Facility Health Page "Recommended Actions" for Opportunities by Department, Employees Productivity below 90%, Excessive Time in Break & Lunch, and Non-Standard Hours not exceeding 10%. Don't forget to enter your Coaching Moments in SpindeLIVE to document any conversations you have with your team.
Daily Best Practices
Login Compliance
We need to perform our Daily Login Compliance check at the beginning of each day. We can access the previous day's data via the SpindleLIVE Analysis page. Check for any login errors of the previous day and coach if necessary. Don't forget to enter your Coaching Moments in SpindeLIVE to document any conversations you have with your team.
Opportunity Checks
We need to perform our Opportunity Check at the beginning of each day. We can access the previous day's data via the SpindleLIVE Analysis page. When looking at the SpindleLIVE Analysis page, be sure to look at the following:
- View the Analysis by Classification and sort the data by "Lost Hours" from high to low. This will tell you the area with the most opportunity yesterday. Observe the process to identify what is causing the inefficiencies.
- View the Analysis by Employee and sort the data by "Productivity" from low to high. This will tell you which employees had the most opportunity yesterday.
- Don't forget to enter your Coaching Moments in SpindeLIVE to document any conversations you have with your team.
Weekly Best Practices
Login Compliance
We need to perform our Weekly Login Compliance at the beginning of each week and can access the previous week's data via the SpindleLIVE Analysis page. Check for any login errors you may have missed from the daily checks, follow up on login errors from last week, and coach if necessary. Don't forget to enter your Coaching Moments in SpindeLIVE to document any conversations you have with your team.
Opportunity Check
We need to perform our Opportunity Check at the beginning of each week. We can access the previous week's data via the SpindleLIVE Analysis page. When looking at the SpindleLIVE Analysis page, set the date range to last week, and be sure to look at the following:
- View the Analysis by Classification and sort the data by "Lost Hours" from high to low. This will tell you the area with the most opportunity last week. Observe the process to identify what is causing the inefficiencies.
- View the Analysis by Employee and sort the data by "Productivity" from low to high. This will tell you which employees had the most opportunity last week.
- Don't forget to enter your Coaching Moments in SpindeLIVE to document any conversations you have with your team.
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