What is the Facility Health Page?
FollowWhat is it?
The Facility Health Page interprets the data collected around your plant and assists you in identifying the next best action towards improving the health of your operations.
Why is it important?
SpindleLIVE has always been a powerful tool to collect, store, and analyze the data collected throughout an operational facility. With the introduction of the Facility Health Page, SpindleLIVE has moved from automating business processes, to automating business decisions by providing prescriptive analytics to all our customers.
Utilizing millions of data points processed every day, we've identified what powers the most efficient laundries and translated best practices into a model that accurately assists you in identifying the next best action to limiting your expenses.
With the Facility Health Page, you're able to:
- Check your operations health with our Facility Health analysis tool
- Instant insight into each department's opportunity
- Real-time view of your operations most important KPIs
- Prioritize operational issues and decide what to fix first
- Visualize operational improvements day over day
How does it work?
To understand how the Facility Health Page works, lets break it into 4 different sections:
- Facility Health Score
- Recommended Actions
- Department Opportunity
- Branch KPI's
1. Facility Health Score
Before introducing the Facility Health Page, we analyzed millions of data points across the most efficient plants to uncover what makes them tick. We landed on four different components and assigned each of them point values that would make up the Facility Health Score (Overall Labor Effectiveness (OLE), Login Compliance, Lost & Wasted Hours, and Data Manipulation).
We've found improving this score has a direct correlation with improving your bottom line.
The Facility Health Score is based on 4 key metrics, which can be customized based on your company standards:
I. OLE (34 points) or Overall Labor Effectiveness measures utilization, performance, and quality of the workforce.
II. Login Compliance (33 points) measures how well the workforce is properly logging in and utilizing the Spindle system to capture their daily production history. To determine this, Spindle calculates the NA count percentage, deviation of payroll hours versus Spindle hours percentage, and multiple end shift percentage. The break down of these components are below:
- N/A Count % (11 points)
- N/A Count Percentage is the total number of N/A Counts captured in the Spindle systems versus the total counts captured in the Spindle system.
- Payroll Hours Deviation (11 points)
- Deviation of Payroll Hours versus Spindle Hours Percentage.
- Multiple End Shifts (11 points)
- Multiple End Shift Percentage is the number of End Shift status changes where an employee re-associates themselves to another Status or Task afterward in the same day versus the total number of employees who have logged into the system.
III. Lost and Wasted Hours (34 points) measures the wasted time and dollars throughout the workforce. The components of lost and wasted hours are opportunity time as a percent of total Spindle time and excessive time as a percent of total Spindle time. The break down of these components are below:
- Opportunity (17 points)
- The percentage of the Opportunity Time compared to the total time captured in the Spindle system for the day.
- Opportunity Time is defined as the hours (time) performed by the workforce not meeting production standards.
- Excessive Time (16 points)
- Excessive Time is the amount of time spent in non-productive statuses over the targeted time for the status (ie time logged into lunch over the targeted 30 minutes)
IV. Data Manipulation is determined based on the number of daily edits per person. For every edit greater than the number of employees, you will be deducted one points from the overall score of the plant.
2. Recommended Actions
The Facility Health Page interprets all the data collected around your plant and generates Recommended Actions that highlight the biggest opportunities for savings throughout your plant. By expanding each action summary, you're able to get more detailed information about the recommended action and drill through to alternate pages for additional information.
By quickly acting on these alerts, you'll improve your Facility Health Score and ultimately improve your bottom line.
Note: Spindle is working to make each appropriate action item customized for each location. Currently all of the actions around statuses (lunch, break, meeting, and other area) are customized based on your operation's allowances.
3. Department Opportunity
This section highlights the Opportunity Dollars in your facility broken out by department. By default, the 4 departments with the most opportunity are displayed. You can select "Show All" in the bottom right of this section to view all your departments.
Opportunity Dollars is the sum of each employee's Opportunity Time logged into the specified department multiplied by their hourly wage.
- Opportunity Time is the time an employee is performing below production standards.
- The wage for each employee is entered in Spindle Admin. If an employee doesn't have a wage entered, the Department Opportunity uses a Default Wage captured in Spindle Admin.
If you wanted to dive deeper into a specific department to learn more about how that department is performing for the day, you can select 'Learn More' and be taken to the Department Overview page.
4. Branch KPI's
There are four KPIs that are displayed in this section: OLE, Opportunity, Excessive Time Cost, and Staffing. These 4 KPIs are critical components to the overall Facility Health Score, so improving these metrics are vital to improving your bottom line.
- OLE (Overall Labor Effectiveness) measures the effectiveness of your workforce. Traditionally, this calculation is made up of the utilization, performance, and quality of the workforce. However, in Spindle, we focus on the Utilization and Performance to calculate this metric.
- The Utilization component of OLE is determined by the percentage of time an employee spends making effective or measurable contributions. In Spindle, this is the amount of the employees Standard Time divided by their total time logged into Spindle. To improve this metric, you should focus on limiting the amount of non-standard work in your plant to 10% or below.
- The Performance component of OLE is determined by the productivity percentage of the employee. In Spindle, we use the employee's productivity percentage (which is the percentage of the goods an employee produced divided by the weighted standard of what the employee should have produced)
- Opportunity helps you understand how many dollars your plant has lost by not performing to standard. Opportunity is calculated by multiplying the total time employee's spent below standard by their hourly wage.
- To improve this metric, focus on finding ways you can help coach employees working below standard. The Recommended Actions section will alert you for each individual instance of an employee performing below 90% efficiency.
- Excessive Time Cost is the amount of time employees have spent in non-productive statuses over the targeted time allowed. We've found the most efficient plants focus ensuring their staff is back from these statuses on time.
- For example, lets say your plant targets a 30 minute lunch for all employees. If one employee takes a 35 minute lunch, the 5 minutes of excess lunch will be multiplied by the employee's hourly wage and added to the Excessive Time Cost metric.
- Non-Productive Statuses include Break, Lunch, Meeting, and 'Other'
- The Recommended Actions section will alert you when an employee has exceeded their targeted time in one of these statuses.
- Staffing helps give you a basic understanding of how well you're staffed for the day. By looking at your facility's actual productivity for the day and comparing it to what it would look like if each employee were operating at 100% productivity, we're able to estimate how many 'extra' employees were staffed for the day.
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