Modifying the classification in SpindleAdmin
FollowThis article will show you how to change a standard for a Classification and the corresponding stack count if applicable.
1) Select option "Classifications"
2) Click in the Search box and type what you're looking for specifically. If you're not quite sure of the name you can type % followed by a portion of the name then end with a % sign. For my example I typed in %pool% then clicked search, which filtered all results and looked for anything with the word "pool" in it. (shown below)
In this example for this we can see the Target is set to 8500 pieces per hour with a "stack Count/Bundle Size" of 100 pieces per bundle/stack.
3) To Change the target per hour, Select the Standard and once highlighted blue, Click Edit and change the Target Per Hour to change the standard.
Once the Target is changed, Click on Save.
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