How to Add Users in Spindle Admin
FollowYou'll first need to access your Spindle Admin. Not all facilities access Spindle Admin the same. And not all Spindle Admin users have access to add users. When Spindle is onsite at your location, we often set up links on your desktop to access a few sites, with one being Spindle Admin.
If you need help accessing Spindle Admin, don't hesitate to contact Spindle Support from the red question mark on or email
- Once you gain access to Spindle Admin, you must log in. As a reminder, the password for Spindle Admin is usually not the same as your SpindleLIVE account, and user names typically do not contain your email address. For issues logging into Spindle Admin due to needing a password reset, you could see your internal resource that inputs new hires into Spindle to reset your password. Otherwise, don't hesitate to contact Spindle Support.
- You will have a few options, and we will want to click Users and then Click Add.
- A series of boxes become available at the top of the page, mostly blank. You will want to select and input the appropriate information. The page has expanded, and you must use the scroll bar at the bottom of your web browser to view all information. Items in red are required fields.
- User Type: In most cases, you will select Worker for the typical production employee. If the user requires a higher level of access, choose the User Type that matches that employee's leadership role. Please note that Administrator access will allow the employee to see any wages inputted into Spindle Admin. Typically, only hourly production wages are inputted.
- Shift Number: Select the shift number code if applicable. Shift numbers within a plant usually indicate which shift the employee will work.
- Shift Group Code: Select the appropriate shift group code.
- First & Last Name: Fill in their first name and last name. The information entered is what will be displayed in SpindleLIVE, login stations, and Spindle Production Displays.
- User Name: Enter the employees’ first initial and last name. We can't have duplicate user names. If you have 2 workers with similar names, alter their user names slightly.
- Password: A password is not required for workers and may be left blank. Passwords here are only required if they will be accessing Spindle Admin.
- Department: Select the appropriate department.
- Include in Reporting/Metrics: To ensure the employee will show on all reporting and metrics, it should be left to Yes. Selecting no will exclude this individual from reporting in SpindleLIVE.
- Ext Employee ID & ChemWatch Employe ID: These fields are optional. If the employee has a plant-specific number designated from a third-party system, these fields can enable you to import data into Spindle per user from Spindle-approved systems.
- RFID Primary Card ID: This ID is used for logging into the Spindle Login Stations located around your plant. If you utilize RFID Cards, you will input the number on the back of the RFID Card. If you do not use RFID Cards, your only other option is to issue unique IDs to each Worker. You can allow them to choose their ID, give a random ID, or even use timeclock IDs. Spindle Admin will not allow duplicate RFID Primary Card IDs.
- RFID Temp Card ID: This field functions similarly to the RFID Primary Card ID. It is used in cases where an employee left the RFID card behind. You can issue a Temp Card without removing their Primary Card information, and it is an optional field often left blank.
- Discount PCT: Allows you to set an employee's percentage of the classification standard target to their ability. For example, if the user is new and is only responsible for 80% of the target, enter 0.8 in this field; now, when the user reaches an actual count equal to 80%, they will show they have 100% efficiency. In nearly all cases, however, this field will be set to 1.00 for 100%.
- Red Alert & Yellow Alert: Control the thresholds for when the stoplights change on the Spindle Production Displays from green to yellow to red. These are set to the current plant standards, and no change is needed.
- Hire Date (mm/dd/yyyy): The Date will default to the current Date. You may change the Date. However, Spindle doesn't use this information in any reports.
- Language: Select the appropriate language for the user. Please be aware that this field will be optional if you have not yet set up Language Translations. However, if you have gone through the Language Translations setup, you will want to select the appropriate language. For more information on Language Translations, please see the Language Translation Setup: Export & Import Process or Language Translation Setup: Perform Live Edits.
- Once finished entering the user information, click Save.
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