How to Use SpindleLIVE Water & Energy
FollowThis document provides procedures and is a recommendation by Spindle to assist plant management and plant engineering in the use of Water & Energy to gain the most beneficial information to aid in improving resource efficiencies, set trends and goals, and program alerts. It further describes recommended practices to aid the management staff in ways to utilize SpindleLIVE to show opportunities that are occurring in the plant in real-time that can be focused on during daily operations to improve plant performance.
Corporate Page
- Set metrics in which you will be viewing the data on SpindleLIVE by clicking on "Gear" located on the Corporate Page in the Water and Energy Section. These settings apply throughout a specific user and can be changed on all pages of W&E.
- Click on the "Expand"; you can see all facilities connected to Spindle Water and Energy. The user now can set Goals and Spindle will highlight which facilities are above or below the Goals. Alert setpoints are assigned by the user for a plant month by month and will be discussed later how to set.
- Click on the "Four-Square" next to the facility you have the option to see the Facility Page, Meters Page, Trends Page, Reports Page, and the Analysis Page.
Trends Page
- Defaults to weekly data for 13-weeks. Customize the date range by clicking on the "Calendar". Export the information to Excel or CSV by clicking on "Export".
- Description of each portlet (graph).
- Soiled Weight - Total soiled weight including pony washers
- Water- Water usage per weight
- Electric - Electrical usage per weight
- Gas - Gas usage per weight
Facility Page
- The Facility Overview portlet defaults to last week’s data. Customize the date range by clicking on the "Calendar". Export the information to Excel or CSV by clicking on "Export".
- On the Facility Overview portlet, you can expand and see each day's usage by clicking "Expand" next to either Gas, Water, or Electric. By clicking on the Gas, Water, or Electric, it will take you to the Meter Page for a more detailed analysis of the data.
- Description of each column.
- Weight - The date range selected weight processed through the wash floor
- Usage - The date range selected utility usage
- Consumption - The date range selected weight/usage
- Goal - Consumption goal is set by the use
- Variance - Consumption – Goal
Meter Page
- Defaults to weekly data for 13-weeks. Customize the date range by clicking on the "Calendar" . Export the information to Excel or CSV by clicking on "Export".
- See usage in real-time for the day and total used yesterday. This is a good check to see if the facility has usage on a day the plant is not running, or a meter is not recording when it should be.
- Select an individual meter or multiple meters to see a visual line graph of the trends by day, week, or month. Export the information to Excel or CSV by clicking on "Export".
- The Gas Usage – “Include” drop-down. Gives the ability to see Gas Meter Usage or Consumption (XX/hr) readings on meters that are connected to burner runtimes.
- To navigate to other Meter Pages, select from the drop-down.
- The Temperature Meter Page displays in real-time (defaults to today’s date). Select temperature(s) wished to be displayed.
Analysis Page
Defaults to last week’s data. Customize the date range by clicking on the "Calendar". Export the information to Excel or CSV by clicking on "Export".
- Under the “Analysis View”, by selecting Utility Usage view, filtering of the meter type wished to be viewed is accomplished.
- Consumption – Consumption per Hour (xx/hr)
- Runtime - how long the gas valve signal was on to provide gas in minutes/hours
- Water, Gas, Electric, Steam – Actual meter usage converted to a stored and a viewed usage
- Expand to see each day's usage by clicking "Expand". Focus on the Converted Quantity; Spindle does the conversion based on the metrics selected.
Water and Energy Admin Page
- The ability to manually enter Meter Readings, Adjust/Enter Weights, and set Goals and Alerts is completed in this section. If you are a SpindleLIVE Administrator you can see several different areas under the Admin section. Select the Water & Energy view to get to this section.
- Manually entering Meter Readings
- Select the meter to enter the reading for, then click on "Add Meter Reading". Select the day the meter was read and enter the reading in a whole number (note - reporting will be best if the reading is taken each morning prior to startup). Click to save the information.
- Configuring Goals
- Goal Settings are to be assigned by month for utility usages. For each Month select "Edit" and enter in the information then save the information. Adjustment of goals for seasonal changes may be required.
- Configuring Alerts
- Alert Settings for each meter are set by selecting "Edit" for the meter and entering the Low and High ranges then saving the information. If the meter goes over/under the set Alert; Spindle will highlight the issue with an Alert on the Water and Energy Facility and Meter Pages.
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