CMMS Mobile App - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
FollowThe article addresses common questions about using the CMMS Mobile app, whether you're setting up for the first time or troubleshooting a problem.
General Questions
What is CMMS Mobile?
CMMS Mobile for managing maintenance tasks, work orders, and assets. It connects to the Spindle Server locally, allowing efficient operations without internet access. Please visit Features & Benefits of CMMS Mobile.
How do I download the CMMS Mobile app?
You can download the CMMS Mobile app from the Google Play Store. Search for "SpindleLIVE" and follow the instructions to install the app on your maintenance tablet. Please visit this article to Download the SpindleLIVE App for CMMS Mobile.
You can use third-party devices at your discretion. Please visit Non-Spindle Device Compatibility for more information.
Do I need a Google Play Store account to download the app?
Yes, you need a Google Play Store account to download and install the app on your tablet. Google Play Store Account Setup for Maintenance Tablets.
Initial Setup
How do I set up my SpindleLIVE account?
Make sure to update your profile to ensure all details are accurate and up-to-date:
Using the App
How do I manage work orders and preventive maintenance (PM) tasks?
You can access the Work Orders & Preventive Maintenance (PM) section to efficiently view and manage your tasks. Please visit:
- Maintenance Procedures for Preventive Maintenance on CMMS Mobile
- Maintenance Procedures for Work Orders on CMMS Mobile
How do I keep track of my tasks?
Use the My Tasks section to track your assigned tasks and update their status as you complete them. For more information, please visit Maintenance Procedures for My Tasks on CMMS Mobile.
What should I do with pending maintenance tasks?
In the Pending Down section, review and manage tasks that are pending and need immediate attention. For more information, please visit Maintenance Procedures for Pending / Down on CMMS Mobile.
How do I address flagged items?
You can access the Flagged Items section to review and address items that have been flagged for action. Please visit Maintenance Procedures for Accessing Flagged Items on CMMS Mobile.
Asset Management
How do I access detailed information about my assets?
For detailed information about your assets, please visit the CMMS Mobile Assets Page article.
How do I upload images for assets?
Enhance asset records by uploading images directly from the app in the Uploading Asset Images section. Please visit Uploading Asset Images for CMMS Mobile.
Offline Mode
Can I use CMMS Mobile without an internet connection?
Yes, the app is designed to work without an internet connection. You can continue managing tasks and assets, and data will sync once you reconnect to the internet.
Support and Troubleshooting
Where can I get additional support?
For additional support, visit the SpindleLIVE Resource Center, email, or utilize this form here.
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