December 2020 - Server Maintenance
FollowSpindle Support will be performing necessary security updates to the Spindle Server in your facility this weekend. We will be performing these updates beginning December 19th. In preparation for these necessary updates, there is nothing you will need to perform on your end. Once updates have been completed our teams will continue to monitor for any issues that should arise.
We request if you notice any issues in your facility upon your return please let us know by sending an email to our support email address or by Clicking here to email Spindle Support. Due to this update impacting your Spindle Server, it may be necessary for you to restart some or all of your Spindle Visual Workplace Displays or Spindle Login stations. Although we don’t anticipate this being necessary for some instances it may be necessary.
If after rebooting or powering on your Spindle Visual Workplace Displays and Login Stations and you continue to have any issues after the maintenance period has been completed, please open a support ticket with us by emailing
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